For Parents For Schools Get in Touch

Meaningful Resources for a Meaningful Life

Guiding You to Coach Your Kids Confidently to Adulthood

Will Your Kid Have the Right Network?


Chances are you know someone who is looking for a new job but is having a difficult time breaking through. I recently spoke with someone who’s applied for—wait for it—1,000 jobs in the past year with ...

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Future Mistake #11: Not Tapping Your Network

One of the most strategic, helpful things my dad did for me when I was growing up was to bring me along to golf with his business clients and colleagues. I can’t count how many times I got to tag alon...

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Social Skills - Intentionally Embracing Awkwardness

I remember when our kids were little- like preschool little. An adult would come along- perhaps a family friend or relative, and talk directly to them, asking them a question. Our kid would freeze, in...

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Tips to Better Conversations With Teens

Sometimes it’s pretty convenient to skip a conversation with our kids. I mean, they aren’t typically known for their riveting conversational skills, right? Sometimes it’s easier to just crank the musi...

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How to Ask Better Questions to Have Better Conversations

Teenagers can be a bit prickly. Hello, understatement.

  • You tell them dinner is ready (the dinner you prepared for them with their favorite foods), and you get yelled at.
  • You awkwardly leave a work
  • ...
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The Underestimated Power of Connection

Growing up, I was a bit of a social paradox. Super shy at school and in many social situations, I wanted to spend every waking moment playing with friends. It’s easy for me to remember many moments pl...

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How to Help Your Kids In Crisis


A frantic text came in the other day from our daughter on her 8th grade school trip to the East Coast, “I forgot my dress for Hamilton in the hotel, and we already left.”

You’ve been there before, ri...

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The Obvious Key to a Happy Life

We’ve interviewed and surveyed hundreds of parents and educators about the hopes they have for the kids they care about, and universally one thing has emerged over everything else: they want their kid...

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Social Skill: Making Up False Narratives

Teach your kids this vital social skill!

There’s no question how important social connections are to a teenager. They will go to almost any length to procure or maintain good social standing. Some ar...

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Psychological Safety - An Essential Ingredient to Adolescence

Everyone knows what it feels like to be emotionally or psychologically unsafe. Whether behind your back or right in front of you, if you feel the threat of judgment, picking picked on, ridiculed, or h...

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START Being More Intentional With Your Kids!

Besides keeping your kids healthy and safe, what else can you do to ensure they'll become happy and successful adults? With the time you have with them—downtime, drive time, meal time, and bedtime, what will YOU do to engage them intentionally? 

Each week, we'll send you an actionable tip on how to engage more with your kids, whether they're 8 or 18.