For Parents For Schools Get in Touch

Episode 99: Scott Schimmel on Future Mistakes—Proving Yourself

This conversation explores the temptation to prove oneself and make something of oneself and how this pursuit may not lead to true satisfaction or success. It emphasizes the importance of pursuing goals and aspirations that are authentic to oneself. Self-awareness is a crucial starting point in making choices that align with one's interests and passions.

Scott also discusses the role of support from others in encouraging and celebrating authentic choices. Ultimately, the conversation encourages listeners to have the courage to be themselves and trust that living authentically will lead to a more meaningful and impactful life.


START Being More Intentional With Your Kids!

Besides keeping your kids healthy and safe, what else can you do to ensure they'll become happy and successful adults? With the time you have with them—downtime, drive time, meal time, and bedtime, what will YOU do to engage them intentionally? 

Each week, we'll send you an actionable tip on how to engage more with your kids, whether they're 8 or 18.