I Want My Kids to Be Tech Healthy

Don't let screen time steal precious moments from your family. 

Our course offers a step-by-step solution to create a healthier, happier digital life for your family.
I'm tired of the battle! Help me help my kids.
Expert Research Icon

Expert Research 

We've read the long books and research articles and summarized them—so you don't have to. 

Guidance Icon

Practical Guidance

Our course provides actionable strategies to help you navigate the digital world with your children.

Personalized Plans Icon

Personalized Plans

We help you create a tailored plan for your family's unique needs and values.

Communication Icon

Effective Communication

Learn how to effectively communicate with your kids about their digital habits.

Imagine a home where your kids and family thrive rather than ruined by distracting technology.

  • There's no doubt anymore—technology and social media can negatively impact your kid's mental health and well-being unless you provide them with the right guidance and guardrails.
  • As a parent, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and unsure about managing your kid’s tech use.
  • Your parents didn’t have to figure this out—but you do!

You don’t want to blow it—you want your kids to thrive.

Imagine more time as a family to connect, laugh, and grow together. 

Imagine less arguing and fighting for screens and more time for your kids to play, be creative, and make lasting memories. 

Mom and kids in car

Introducing Our Tech Healthy Parenting Course

Confidently Navigate the Tech Landscape For Your Kids

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Course Instructors Scott Schimmel and Tyler Allred

Let's Figure This Out Together, But Draw Upon the Best Research

We understand how challenging it is to parent in the digital age. We're two dads with seven kids between us, and no instruction manual on how to raise them in the digital age.

The Tech Healthy Parenting Course draws from the expertise of renowned psychologists like Jonathan Haidt and Jean Twenge to provide you with the knowledge and tools you need. Combining that with over four decades of direct work with emerging adults, curriculum design, and training—let's join forces to guide your kids to self-awareness and values-based living. 

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A Glimpse Into the Curriculum

The modules are designed for busy parents, with an emphasis on application.

1. The Negative Impact of Technology on Kids & Family Life

Technology is everywhere, changing how our kids see the world and interact with others. We'll dive into the latest and most relevant research and share with you (and your kids) what you must know. 

2. The Nuances Between Girls and Boys

Research shows that social media affects young girls more than boys, leading to higher rates of anxiety, depression, and loneliness. Boys, on the other hand, are more impacted by online gaming and pornography, which can provide a false sense of purpose and satisfaction.

3. Creating Your Family's Habits

Explore the concept of a desert monk's Rule of Life and how its principles can guide parents in creating a strong, clear identity for their families. Learn how to establish nurturing practices and consistent routines that support your children's emotional strength and healthy digital habits, helping them thrive in today's digital world.

4. A Social Media Learner's Permit

Learn essential strategies for introducing your kids to social media in a healthy and balanced way. Understand the importance of waiting until age 16, and discover practical tips for guiding your children through their first steps on social media. This module equips parents with the tools to help their kids develop positive digital habits and avoid the pitfalls of online interactions.

5. Creating Your Like-Minded Parent Community

Establishing healthy digital habits is easier with a supportive community of like-minded families. This module teaches parents how to form a coalition with other parents, leverage trusted adults, and encourage real-world responsibilities and play for their kids. Collaborating with your community and schools can create a healthier digital environment, ensuring kids feel supported and accepted.


6. Taking Action: Promoting Healthier Digital Habits in Schools

This module offers parents strategies to advocate for healthier smartphone policies in schools, including starting conversations with administrators, building parent coalitions, and presenting supporting data. Learn how to guide your kids towards embracing real-life interactions and participating in non-digital activities for a more balanced and enriching school experience.

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Bonus: Don't Be Annoying to Your Kids—We'll Do It For You!

Every kid, throughout time, knows more than their parents. The problem is that they're too naive and uninformed to make wise, healthy choices for themselves. But that's the end goal, right? The risks are too high to let them manage this one, though.

Introducing Tech Healthy Parenting, we've included 16 short videos straight from research to your kid. Instead of trying to lecture them, play these videos and let us explain the research in ways they're more likely to understand (and leaving you less frustrated!).

Get All These Videos


Start Becoming a Tech Healthy Parent Today

Enroll now in Tech Healthy Parenting and start creating a tech-healthy environment for your kids so they can thrive in life.

What's included?

  • Seven bite-sized video modules for parents
  • An editable workbook to make the course content actionable for your family
  • BONUS: A library of 16 research-backed videos to share with your kids—
    (Let us be the bad guys and talk straight to your kids!)
  • Lifetime access to the course
  • 30-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee

Tech Healthy Parenting equips you with the latest research and practical tools to:

  • Confidently make decisions about phones and social media
  • Be more thoughtful about how you approach screen time
  • Have intentional, productive conversations with your kids about screens and social media
  • Create wise guardrails to keep your kids safe
  • Recognize the warning signs of unhealthy tech use for your daughters and sons
  • Help your kids (ages 6-14) build healthy tech habits to thrive in life
I Want to Become a Tech Healthy Parent!