Do You Feel Like You're Losing Your Kids to Screens?
You're not alone! Many parents struggle to understand what to do with all the scary research.
That’s why we're giving away "The 5 Conversations Parents Must Have About Technology, Social Media, and Screen Time"
– a must-read guide for every parent.

There Are 3 Things We Want You to Know:
1. Technology doesn't have to dominate your family life.
2. When you place healthy boundaries, your whole family can get stronger.
3. Your kids need your help! They want to be playing outside and face-to-face with friends, but they don't know how in today's world.
This guide grew out of our desire to avoid the pitfalls of unchecked screen time and social media use in our homes, and we can't wait to share it with you.
What's inside?
Setting Guardrails that Reflect Your Family Values
Apply the Research for Better Screen Limits
Creating Tech-Free Zones and Times for More Family Time
Setting Smart Guidelines for Social Media
Prioritizing Face Time over Screentime

Don’t wait until screen time becomes a problem. Get a handle on it quickly—before it gets worse.
- Download This Guide: Get practical tips on managing screen time.
- Set Clear Boundaries: Learn to create tech-free zones at home so you can get your kids back.
- Cultivate Healthy Tech Habits: face time is ALWAYS better than screen time.
Get Your Kids Back
Take control and guide your family to a healthier digital life.