As teenagers navigate the choppy waters of adolescence, parents often find themselves walking a tightrope between providing support and encouraging independence. In the quest to help their...
My oldest kid will graduate high school in roughly fifteen months, and I’m already fielding questions about his future plans on a daily basis. If he’s feeling anxious at this point,...
Recently, I had the opportunity to deliver a series of interactive assemblies to the freshman class at a local high school. During each of the four separate sessions, older student leaders...
Not too long ago, I spent the better part of a year doing research into the challenges young adults had in making the transition to self-reliant adulthood. Every single one of them shared...
Throughout every stage of my life, from elementary school to living in the suburbs in my forties, I’ve had a reputation and a persona. It’s changed over the years, from the quiet one to...
In 2012, I was no longer satisfied with my career path. I wanted something different, but I didn’t know what. After a decade in college ministry working for a national Christian non-profit, I...
Recently, a friend of mine asked me about a book I had written. He was curious about how I published it, and I told him the steps I took to figure out how to do cover design, editing, layout, and...
When I was growing up, like most kids, I considered my level of intelligence in comparison to my siblings. Which, in my case, was a bummer because my older sister was super duper smart. On top of...
Without realizing it, people want, desire, and pursue goals and ambitions that others pursue first. We are an imitating people, subconsciously reaching for goals not purely because we value them...
Despite how impressed you are with me today, I wouldn’t have garnered the same impression if you had met me when I was young. Sure, my mom loved me, and my teachers said I was a sweet kid,...
Besides keeping your kids healthy and safe, what else can you do to ensure they'll become happy and successful adults? With the time you have with themā€”downtime, drive time, meal time, and bedtime, what will YOU do to engage them intentionally?Ā
Each week, we'll send you an actionable tip on how to engage more with your kids, whether they're 8 or 18.